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Growing demand for nuclear bomb shelters

Underground swimming pools, walk-in wine cellars, nuclear bomb shelters – the new requests from basement customers concerned with safety

Current world affairs make for uneasy reading. The threat of nuclear war is at its highest in a long time, with rogue nations pushing boundaries on a daily basis. No wonder enquiries into nuclear bomb shelters are exploding.

Survival bunkers are nothing new in America where enquiries about nuclear shelters have increased three-fold in the last year. Americans have been siting tornado shelters on their land for years, but the sudden interest in nuclear shelters has given way to a new and thriving market.

The range of nuclear bunkers on offer is vast, ranging from simple metal structures to poured concrete structures, furnished with media rooms, office spaces and kitchens that cost millions. Air filtration systems come as standard and some companies even provide freeze-dried food that can last for 35 years. A neat little package designed to keep you and your family safe in the event of nuclear war.

Reading the content on the websites of some of the American nuclear bunker providers may seem a bit alarmist, but is there anything wrong in wanting to be prepared? In the UK we are surprisingly slow to catch on to the trend for underground bunkers, but today there are more companies opening up to the UK market.

During the Cold War, the UK Warning & Monitoring System (WMO) built over 3,000 nuclear bomb shelters, and 1,500 are still viable today. Last year, sales of existing Cold War bunkers in the UK went into overdrive, with tiny, cramped hidey-holes selling for upwards of £20,000. Depressingly dreary and shabby, these post-Cold War shelters are snapped up as soon as they come on the market – with some not being much bigger than a downstairs loo, you’d better stay on the right side of your family or risk being left out in the cold!

At Cool Basements, we are now offering a service to install brand new, luxury nuclear bunkers for customers. As basement specialists, the move seems natural as well as timely: we have the expertise and the resources already in place to create an underground bunker under your home or garden. As with our bespoke basements, our underground bunkers are tailor-made to your specifications to suit your needs. You can dictate the size, the degree of comfort and luxury you require and we will take care of the rest. The bunkers are all discretely located, and conform to all safety standards as necessary.

Who knows what the future holds, but at Cool Basements, we say there’s nothing wrong in being prepared!

To make an enquiry about our nuclear bunkers, please contact us to talk through the options.


Author: Peter Little (CEO)

Peter Little is the CEO of the Property Conservation Company, with over 35 years experience in providing an exceptional and sympathetic approach to the restoration of period properties in London and The Cotswolds.

This article was first published on 12th July 2018

(Updated 22nd November 2024)

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